Saturday, June 23, 2012

Conference Alert (And Travel Tip)

“He entered the territory of lies without a passport for return.” -- Graham Greene (English novelist, short-story writer, playwright, and journalist, 1904-1991)

Two Saudi conferences are planned for the early part of 2013 …

Travel Tip (IMPORTANT!)
If you decide to attend either conference, be sure to start working on your VISA as soon as you can. It can be a time consuming process.

Here is some information on the process from the Saudi Downstream Forum & Exhibition 2011 Web …

It is advised that delegates book early to ensure their visa is guaranteed.

Delegates and Exhibitors needing a visa invitation letter to apply for a Saudi Arabian visa MUST provide all of the following to The CWC Group:

A copy of your passport identity page.
If you are a Conference delegate: Your completed and paid Delegate Registration Form.
All delegates/exhibitors are to complete a form (pleae request this from CWC)
A short letter on your company letterhead with a copy of your business card confirming your company’s support of your visit. A template letter can be found below.

When we have all the information, we will send you your letter of invitation to accompany your visa application. Please contact your local Embassy for your Visa Application Form and for any further details.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Conference Alert: World Refining Technology Summit

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness.” -- Charles Dickens (English novelist, 1812-1870)

The 4th Annual World Refining Technology Summit 2012 will be held in Brussels Belgium, 22-23 October 2012
Here is the agenda …

4th Annual World Refining Technology Summit 2012 Agenda

The Current State, Challenges and The Future of The World Refining Industry - Year 2010 And Beyond
Keynote Address
EU Global Policies and Roadmaps to 2050
The Status of EU Refining
EU Roadmaps to 2050
Future for EU Refining
Vision 2050 - Global Energy Supply Scenarios
Oil And Gas Prices Fluctuation And Its Impact On The Refining Industry
Tougher Energy Policies And Their Impact On The Refining Industry- European Region Perspective
Energy Demand Growth - How Long Will Feedstock Last?
Commercial Hydrotreating and Hydrocracking of Petroleum - Update On the Latest Technologies
Residue Process: Coking, Hydro cracking And Visbreaking
Upgrade Residue Process: Options And Optimising
Technical And Commercial Drivers In Heavy And Variable Feedstock Cracking
New Catalyst Technologies and Operating Approach for FCC
Commercial Aspects Of FCC Technology- Improving Profit Margins
Optimisation Of The FCC Process - Mass, Heat, And Pressure Balance- Case Study
FCC Catalysts And Sulphur Reduction In Fuels
FCC Process Variables And Operating Conditions
Advanced Technologies for Processing High Margin Feedstock
Feedstock Availability Until 2020
Increasing Throughput And Providing Constant High Yield Of Quality Refined Products
Economic Benefits Of Achieving Longer Catalyst Life- Case Study
New Projects and Developments of the Refining Industry in Europe
Regional Update
Roadmap to the Refinery of the Future
Forging Ahead With New Technologies
Improving Refinery Performance And Maximising Profit Margins In Tough Economical Landscape
Refinery Optimisation, Revamping, Upgrading And Newbuilds- The Industry Outlook
Troubleshooting In Oil and Gas Refining
Due Diligence
Control Problems In Distillation
Optimising Pumparounds
Fouling In Shell And Tube / Heat Exchangers
Special Roundtable Session: Asset Management and Maintenance Planning
Asset Management - Achieving Higher Utilisation Rates
Optimal Data Gathering And Rotating Equipment Monitoring
Utilising Best Practices To Improve Refinery Economics
State-Of-The-Art Sulphur Recovery Technologies
Update On The Sulphur Recovery Regulations
Alleviating Operational Difficulties And Overall Sulphur Recovery Improvement - Case Study
Advanced Sulphur Recovery Technologies- Industry Perspective
Refining In Difficult Economic Times
Can Technological Advances Help Surviving Through Economical Downturn- Industry Perspective
Value Chain Management And Optimisation- Case Study
Clean Fuels Regulations And Hydrogen Management In Refining
Energy Saving In The Oil And Gas Refining Sector
Ground-Breaking Technologies for Difficult Refining Processes
Heavy Feedstock Processing Technologies
Delayed Cocking
Refinery Inspection and Security- Next Generation Solutions
Novel Approaches And Technologies In Refinery Inspection
Threats And Security In The 21st Century Refining
Real-Time Asset And People Tracking Solutions
Health Safety and Environment
Latest Regional update on Environment Norms
Technology Updates on Health and Safety
Emission Technologies
Precision Measurement Technologies in Refining
Best Practices In Precision Measurement For Refineries
Best-In-Class Flow Measurement For A Large-Scale Refinery
The Future Of Precision Management
Refinery Automation and Process Control
Refinery Automation And Process Efficiency
Optimised Process Control And Refinery Profit Margins
Refinery Maintenance And Plant Automation


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Stumbling Across the Web

The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed. -- William Gibson (born March 17, 1948), American-Canadian speculative fiction novelist

In my peripatetic wanderings across the Net I stumbled, as I so often do, on a very interesting item. It is a series of sample chapters on petroleum engineering. For the full text, you will have to shell out some money, but you can get a taste of the content for free. Here’s how …

Google® search string:
unesco eolss petroleum engineering

Here is an extract from one of the sample chapters …

Petroleum Engineering - Downstream (2012)
Future Technology in Heavy Oil Processing
Jorge Ancheyta, Mohan S. Rana
Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico City, Mexico
The change in crude oil quality around the world has impacted petroleum refining industry in such a way that current and new refineries are being re-configured and designed respectively to process heavier feedstocks, i.e. blends of various crude oils with elevated amount of heavy petroleum. This is of course due to the reduction of light crude oil and increase of heavy or extra heavy crude oils production. These new feeds are characterized by high amount so impurities (sulfur, metals, nitrogen, asphaltenes) and low distillate yields, which make them more difficult to process compared with light crude oils. Contrarily, the demand of light distillates for producing the so-called clean fuels (e.g. ultra-low sulfur diesel and gasoline) is increasing throughout the world. These circumstances situate not only refineries but also research center, catalyst manufacturers and process developers in a great dilemma, which need to adapt and design future technologies for properly conversion and upgrading of heavy oils. There are various commercially available technologies to upgrade heavy petroleum, which can be classified in carbon rejection and hydrogen addition processes. Their main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages as well as some other emerging technologies are reviewed in this chapter. Special attention has been put for their application for upgrading of heavy petroleum.