Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Who’s the Mboss? (Helium Consulting)

Somebody (I can’t remember who) once said, "When things get too heavy, just call me helium, the lightest known gas to man."

An article in a recent edition of PTQ-Petroleum Technology Quarterly (http://www.eptq.com/) alerted me to an India based company called Helium Consulting (http://www.heliumconsulting.com/). It is an interesting article, well written and illustrated, as we expect from an article published in PTQ.

So it got me wondering about the company … and about helium, one of the noble gases listed in the periodic table.

Helium, He, is one of the most plentiful gases in the universe. And yet, it was not discovered until August 18th, 1868, by French astronomer Jules Janssen, who observed it on the sun during a solar eclipse. Shortly thereafter, other scientists noticed that we have quite a bit of this gas right here on earth.

Helium is one of the “noble gases,” so called because, in general, they do not react to anything. To quote Anne Marie Helmenstine, “The ability to avoid reacting when provoked—to turn up one's nose and ignore lesser human foibles—is largely considered a noble trait in humans.”

The PTQ article, written by people from Helium Consulting, is called “Digitalisation in refining and petrochemicals: The introduction of IIoT technologies is helping two companies improve their decision making and performance”, and includes a couple of case studies. The first case study features a product called Mboss, described in the following excerpt.

The refinery in question decided to implement Helium Consulting’s sulphur specific IIoT offering, Mboss, to help plan and execute optimisation, followed by monitoring and control through detailed analysis, expedited corrective actions and use of automated algorithms in real time. This platform implements and leverages (if not already implemented) multiple independent applications in the plant on one platform to provide an optimised solution. Mboss is a proprietary software platform written especially for sulphur systems in the refining, petrochemicals and gas industries.
source: PTQ Q4 2019 (www.eptq.com)

I was intrigued, and decided to Google® Mboss for more information. I found nothing. Not even on the Helium Consulting Web site. This is surprising for a product featured in an article of the caliber of PTQ.

In fact, search results for Helium Consulting, the company, are unrewarding as well.

Apparently the company is as elusive as its 19th century namesake, is difficult to find.

TIP: Read the article. If it interests you, don’t bother to Google®. Go right to the source: solutions@heliumconsulting.com with any questions you may have.

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