Thursday, January 7, 2010

Job Hunting Tip: Is There a Librarian in the House?

"If what I THINK is happening IS happening, it better NOT be." -- Mrs. Fox in the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox

Bellwether : one that takes the lead or initiative : leader; also : an indicator of trends --

When you get to a point in the interview when you are asked, “Do you have any questions?” … be sure to ask whether or not there is a library. Any answer but “yes” should raise a red flag in your mind. If the answer is “no,” seriously consider how much of a risk taker you are. If the answer is “there was one, but we no longer have one,” run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit.

For corporations of a certain size, the existence or nonexistence of a library is a bellwether, the canary in the coal mine. It is an indication of the competence of corporate management. Eliminating an existing corporate library is a bad decision, but more than that, it suggests that bad decisions are being made in other, more critical areas of corporate governance.

I have made a career as a librarian, most of it in the corporate world. I am not naïve enough to think that the mere existence of a library determines the success or failure of a company. There is no causal link. But it is a sign of the overall health of the company.

Two examples to illustrate my point …
ExxonMobil, considered by many to be one of the best managed and most successful companies in corporate history, maintains a number of libraries. And, judging by the job boards, it actively recruits librarians, even in the current economy.

By contrast, a number of years ago Brown & Root eliminated its library. Not long after, a “merger” with MW Kellogg was announced.

How does this affect you, a technologist? You may not intend to use the corporate library, even if there is one. (I spoke with an engineer once who announced with some pride that he had gone through college without using the campus library.) Doesn’t matter … it is an easy way to judge whether you want to risk your career with the company you are considering.

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