"College had
little effect on me. I’d have been the same writer if I’d gone to MIT, except
I’d have flunked out sooner.” ~ Robert B. Parker (1932-2010), American
writer, primarily of fiction within the mystery/detective genre
Two (2) MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) events are on the horizon.
The first, ClimateTech, is scheduled for October
4-5, 2023 on the MIT campus.
The second, EmTech (Emerging Technologies) is scheduled
for November 14-15, 2023.
At ClimateTech, Celina Mikolajczak, Chief Battery Technology Officer, Lyten (www.lyten.com ), San Jose California, will
speak on new lithium-sulphur battery technology.
Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com)
search on lithium-sulphur battery for background
on the technology
Here is MIT’S description of the EmTech event …
MIT Technology Review’s flagship event returns in November. EmTech MIT unwraps
the technologies and trends driving social and commercial impact and offers
trustworthy guidance needed to navigate the ever-changing landscape of a world
transformed by technology.
What’s on the agenda this year
- The ABC Forces: We look at how artificial intelligence, biotech, and climate change are changing everything.
- Business Impact: AI is changing every job description, and climate change is impacting every product decision, so what does this mean for you and your business?
- Social Impact: What does it mean to live a longer life, enriched by AI, in an environmentally responsible world?
- Economic Impact: How will the policies that might govern AI, our bodies, and our planet change the economy.
- Research Impact: We examine the ideas in our the labs that will change our lives tomorrow.
Mark your calendar and register to join us online or on campus for EmTech MIT
November 14-15, 2023.
Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian,
Aramco Americas (https://americas.aramco.com/
), Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean Steinhardt Consulting
LLC, producing the same high quality research that he performed for Aramco.
Follow Jean’s blog at: http://desulf.blogspot.com/
for continuing tips on effective online research
Email Jean at jstoneheart@gmail.com with
questions on research, training, or anything else