Refining India 2023 has issued a call for papers. Scheduled for 9-10 October
2023, the conference will be located in New Delhi, India.
The submission deadline is April 28, 2023.
Key themes to consider when submitting your abstract are …
- Refining / Petrochemicals Integration
- Hydrogen in Refining and Petrochemicals
- Digitilization, Analytics, AI and Machine Learning
- Reducing CO2 Footprint
- FCC / Hydrocracking / Hydrotreating / Hydroprocessing
- Process Optimization and Energy Efficiency
- Refinery Co-Processing
- Crude-To-Chemicals
- Plastic Waste Recycling
Choose a topic of interest from the list, then Google® it. The results could
provide you with a thought provoking way to begin your approach to the topic.
For example, Google® plastic waste recycling.
Two results that caught my eye …
How Big Oil
Misled The Public Into Believing Plastic Would Be Recycled
September 11, 2020
Heard on NPR Morning Edition
Laura Sullivan
Sustainable Materials Management: Facts and Figures Report
November, 2020
for details on submitting your abstract.
Here is the text of the email alerting me to the call for papers …
Present Your Paper At Refining India 2023
We are now accepting
presentation abstract submissions for Refining India 2023!
Don't miss the opportunity to bring your innovative technology, projects,
insights, or case-studies to the attention of senior executives and engineering
representatives across India's major refining companies!
Brought to you by PTQ magazine and with support from IDS, Refining India 2023
is delighted to announce the 10th anniversary of Refining India, returning on
the 9 & 10 October in New Delhi, India!
We're Looking For Papers On These Key Themes
Refining / Petrochemicals Integration
Hydrogen in Refining and Petrochemicals
Digitilization, Analytics, AI and Machine Learning
Reducing CO2 Footprint
FCC / Hydrocracking / Hydrotreating / Hydroprocessing
Process Optimization and Energy Efficiency
Refinery Co-Processing
Plastic Waste Recycling
Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian,
Aramco Services, Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean
Steinhardt Consulting LLC, producing the same high quality research that he
performed for Aramco.
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