Everybody Googles. But does everybody know HOW to Google®? No, they don’t.
Which is the whole point of the Desulfurization Blog (www.desulf.blogspot.com)
So here is a very short tutorial on how to make the immense resources that Google®
offers work for you.
Let’s pretend that we care about recent developments in nonmetallic piping,
because it may provide a solution to the pervasive problem of corrosion.
For purposes of this exercise, we will start with the following search string …
Google® Patents: nonmetallic
AND (tubular OR pipe OR piping OR pipeline)
Here are the steps in this search …
- Search Google® Patents
- Refine your search string
- On the results page, click the download link
- Open the downloaded file in Excel
- Use Google® Translate (https://translate.google.com/) where necessary
- Sort the downloaded Excel file to purpose
Google® translate example:
Google® Translate result: Xu Baoan
Google® Translate result: Hiroshima University
This is all pretty simple stuff, and quite straight forward. It does require
some time, however. You may benefit from experienced research assistance by the
likes of me, Jean Steinhardt (www.jeansteinhardtconsulting.com).
It could save you boatloads of time … time you could use in pursuit of your own
skill set.
Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian,
Aramco Services, Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean
Steinhardt Consulting LLC, producing the same high quality research that he
performed for Aramco.
Follow Jean’s blog at: http://desulf.blogspot.com/ for continuing tips on effective online
Email Jean at research@jeansteinhardtconsulting.com with questions on research, training, or
anything else
Visit Jean’s Web site at http://www.jeansteinhardtconsulting.com/ to see examples of the services we can