Sunday, December 13, 2020

What’s It All About, Google?

Everybody Googles. But does everybody know HOW to Google®? No, they don’t. Which is the whole point of the Desulfurization Blog (

So here is a very short tutorial on how to make the immense resources that Google® offers work for you.

Let’s pretend that we care about recent developments in nonmetallic piping, because it may provide a solution to the pervasive problem of corrosion.

For purposes of this exercise, we will start with the following search string …

Google® Patents: nonmetallic AND (tubular OR pipe OR piping OR pipeline)

Here are the steps in this search …

  • Search Google® Patents
  • Refine your search string
  • On the results page, click the download link
  • Open the downloaded file in Excel
  • Use Google® Translate ( where necessary
  • Sort the downloaded Excel file to purpose

Google® translate example:
Google® Translate result: Xu Baoan

Google® Translate result: Hiroshima University

This is all pretty simple stuff, and quite straight forward. It does require some time, however. You may benefit from experienced research assistance by the likes of me, Jean Steinhardt ( It could save you boatloads of time … time you could use in pursuit of your own skill set.

Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian, Aramco Services, Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean Steinhardt Consulting LLC, producing the same high quality research that he performed for Aramco.

Follow Jean’s blog at:  for continuing tips on effective online research
Email Jean at  with questions on research, training, or anything else
Visit Jean’s Web site at  to see examples of the services we can provide

Friday, December 11, 2020

Add SemanticScholar to your search engine toolbox

Anybody and everybody can Google , but serious researchers use tools like Google Scholar and Google Patents. Another tool to add to your box is SemanticScholar (

According to a Wikipedia article …

Semantic Scholar is a project developed at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Publicly released in November 2015, it is designed to be an AI-backed search engine for academic publications.[1] The project uses a combination of machine learning, natural language processing, and machine vision to add a layer of semantic analysis to the traditional methods of citation analysis, and to extract relevant figures, entities, and venues from papers.[2] In comparison to Google Scholar and PubMed, Semantic Scholar is designed to highlight the most important and influential papers, and to identify the connections between them.

TIP: This Wikipedia article is short. Take the time to read the whole thing. Then take a few more minutes to follow the links presented in the article. It will help you decide which resource(s) is/are best for your purpose.

Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian, Aramco Services, Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean Steinhardt Consulting LLC, producing the same high quality research that he performed for Aramco.

Follow Jean’s blog at:  for continuing tips on effective online research
Email Jean at  with questions on research, training, or anything else
Visit Jean’s Web site at  to see examples of the services we can provide

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

India Calling: Refining India Technology Conference Call for Papers

Anand Giridharadas sensed something was afoot as his plane from America prepared to land in Bombay. An elderly passenger looked at him and said, "We're all trying to go that way," pointing to the rear. "You, you're going this way?" -- (India Calling: An Intimate Portrait of a Nation's Remaking – by Anand Giridharadas)

PTQ / has announced the Refining India Technology Conference, 20-21 September 2021. A CALL FOR PAPERS will be sent out in January, but if you already have a presentation in mind, you are invited to  send your abstract to:

Here are details from a recent email that landed in my inbox …

Subject:                 Refining India Technology Conference, 20-21 September 2021
From:     "PTQ /" <>
Date:      Wed, December 2, 2020 4:06 am
Refining India brings together engineers and senior management from Indian and international operating and refining technology companies.
Presentations will address the major contribution of refining and petrochemicals to India’s burgeoning economy and the developments that are needed to underpin that contribution.
A CALL FOR PAPERS will be sent out in January, but if you already have a presentation in mind, please send your abstract to:
There are a number of SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES available.
For more information, please contact:
Organised by PTQ / Digital Refining in partnership with Industrial Development Services
      +44 20 8581 6932 | |

Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian, Aramco Services, Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean Steinhardt Consulting LLC, producing the same high quality research that he performed for Aramco.

Follow Jean’s blog at:  for continuing tips on effective online research
Email Jean at  with questions on research, training, or anything else
Visit Jean’s Web site at  to see examples of the services we can provide

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Call for Papers and Conference Alert: IRPC June 2-3 2021

How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. -- Abraham Lincoln

Hydrocarbon Processing’s IRPC EurAsia, now to be known as IRPC Process Technology, is calling for papers. Submission deadline is December 29, 2020, so if you are interested, get moving.

Details are in the email reproduced below …

New Year ... New Look ... Same Leading Downstream Conference   

At Hydrocarbon Processing, our team strives to continually seek ways to enhance our events and help industry leaders stay ahead of technical innovations and market insights in the downstream industry. This includes improving our conference offerings to fit current events and what is relevant for our attendees.

As 2020 comes to an end and we look forward to 2021 we are excited to announce IRPC EurAsia will now be IRPC Process Technology! In addition to a new name this year's conference will be hosted completely online similar to IRPC Eurasia ONLINE.

In order to bring the best technology conference to the downstream industry we are starting to plan and prepare our lineup of keynote speakers, panel discussions and breakout sessions. Call for Abstracts is now open and we invite you to submit innovative technology developments, case histories or best practices to present at the next conference!

We are looking for submissions on the following topics:

    Traditional Route: Refining

    Traditional Route: Petrochemicals
        Ethylene derivatives
        Refinery-petrochemical integration

    Energy Transition: Refining
        Alternative fuels
        The green refinery

    Energy Transition: Petrochemicals
        Circular economy/plastics recycling
        Green petrochemicals

Do not miss this opportunity to be involved in IRPC Process Technology as we look at the challenges affecting the industry, as well as opportunities that are emerging. We will discuss the industry’s latest technologies and best practices, from regional and global perspectives, with conference attendees from leading operators, refineries and petrochemical plants, engineering and construction companies and licensors, looking to maximize margins and ensure operational availability while complying with industry regulation targets.

Submission deadline: December 29, 2020. Abstracts should be approximately 250 words in length and should include all authors, affiliations, pertinent contact information and the proposed speaker. The content of the presentation should be original. Please submit abstracts here.

Questions? Please contact Lee Nichols, Editor-in-Chief, Hydrocarbon Processing, at

Gulf Energy Information Events, 2 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1020, Houston, Texas 77046 USA
Google® Better!
Jean Steinhardt served as Librarian, Aramco Services, Engineering Division, for 13 years. He now heads Jean Steinhardt Consulting LLC, producing the same high quality research that he performed for Aramco.

Follow Jean’s blog at:  for continuing tips on effective online research
Email Jean at  with questions on research, training, or anything else
Visit Jean’s Web site at  to see examples of the services we can provide