“Thousands of candles can be lit from a
single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness
never decreases by being shared.” -- Buddha
(Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)
Hydrocarbon Processing’s annual IRPC Americas (International Refining and Petrochemical Conference) is coming up … 25-26 September 2019, Houston Texas. The theme is Share your Innovative Technological Developments, Case Histories and Best Practices!
There is also a call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is April 3, 2019.
Whether you decide to present, or simply attend, it is worth you attention.
TIP: Visit the Web pages for GTC Technology (http://www.gtctech.com/) and Tubacex (http://www.tubacex.com/en/) for background on the sponsors of the pre-conference workshop.
IRPC Americas
Thu, Feb 21, 9:08 AM (23 hours ago)
Share your Innovative Technological Developments, Case Histories and Best Practices!
For eleven years, Hydrocarbon Processing's International Refining and Petrochemical Conference (IRPC) has been the leading downstream technology event.
As an industry professional, your contributions are essential to the future of this vital market sector, and you are invited to present a paper at IRPC Americas this Fall.
Held annually in Houston, the conference will provide a high-level forum for key players in the petrochemical and refining sectors to share their knowledge, learn about best practices, and stay abreast of the latest advances.
Rise above your peers and share your case study, technological innovation or market insights today! IRPC Americas is accepting abstracts through Wednesday, April 3.
Submit your abstract for IRPC Americas today!
Important Deadlines:
Call for Abstracts Opened—January 24, 2019
Submission Deadline—April 3, 2019
Decision Deadline—May 26, 2019
Agenda Released—June 26, 2019
We're looking for submissions on the following topics:
Biofuels/alternative fuels
Digital Transformation
Clean fuels/Fuels of the future
New transportation technologies
IMO regulations
Advances in refining and petrochemical technologies
Carbon capture/CO2 emissions mitigation
Heavy oil/bottom-of-the-barrel
Refinery-petrochemical integration
Policy and regulations
Process controls, instrumentation and automation
Maintenance/reliability (equipment lifecycle, new materials revolution, corrosion, benchmarking/analytics/metrics, troubleshooting, etc.)
Energy efficiency
Water management
Projects (revamps, turnarounds, grassroots, design, EPC, commissioning)
The “green refinery”
Circular economy/plastics recycling
Questions about exhibiting or sponsoring? Contact your Hydrocarbon Processing representative or Hortensia “Tish” Barroso, Business Development Manager, at Hortensia.Barroso@GulfEnergyInfo.com.
Hydrocarbon Processing’s annual IRPC Americas (International Refining and Petrochemical Conference) is coming up … 25-26 September 2019, Houston Texas. The theme is Share your Innovative Technological Developments, Case Histories and Best Practices!
There is also a call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is April 3, 2019.
Whether you decide to present, or simply attend, it is worth you attention.
TIP: Visit the Web pages for GTC Technology (http://www.gtctech.com/) and Tubacex (http://www.tubacex.com/en/) for background on the sponsors of the pre-conference workshop.
IRPC Americas
Thu, Feb 21, 9:08 AM (23 hours ago)
Share your Innovative Technological Developments, Case Histories and Best Practices!
For eleven years, Hydrocarbon Processing's International Refining and Petrochemical Conference (IRPC) has been the leading downstream technology event.
As an industry professional, your contributions are essential to the future of this vital market sector, and you are invited to present a paper at IRPC Americas this Fall.
Held annually in Houston, the conference will provide a high-level forum for key players in the petrochemical and refining sectors to share their knowledge, learn about best practices, and stay abreast of the latest advances.
Rise above your peers and share your case study, technological innovation or market insights today! IRPC Americas is accepting abstracts through Wednesday, April 3.
Submit your abstract for IRPC Americas today!
Important Deadlines:
Call for Abstracts Opened—January 24, 2019
Submission Deadline—April 3, 2019
Decision Deadline—May 26, 2019
Agenda Released—June 26, 2019
We're looking for submissions on the following topics:
Biofuels/alternative fuels
Digital Transformation
Clean fuels/Fuels of the future
New transportation technologies
IMO regulations
Advances in refining and petrochemical technologies
Carbon capture/CO2 emissions mitigation
Heavy oil/bottom-of-the-barrel
Refinery-petrochemical integration
Policy and regulations
Process controls, instrumentation and automation
Maintenance/reliability (equipment lifecycle, new materials revolution, corrosion, benchmarking/analytics/metrics, troubleshooting, etc.)
Energy efficiency
Water management
Projects (revamps, turnarounds, grassroots, design, EPC, commissioning)
The “green refinery”
Circular economy/plastics recycling
Questions about exhibiting or sponsoring? Contact your Hydrocarbon Processing representative or Hortensia “Tish” Barroso, Business Development Manager, at Hortensia.Barroso@GulfEnergyInfo.com.